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Poziv Hrvatske udruge mladih

Otputuj u Englesku skoro pa besplatno

Evo Vam prilike da budete spontani. Nazovite prijatelja ili prijateljicu ili više njih i krenite u akciju! 

Evo Vam prilike da budete spontani. Nazovite prijatelja ili prijateljicu ili više njih i krenite u akciju! 

Želite li provesti nezaboravne trenutke u Engleskoj, na rubu šume Forrest of Dean, gdje je, usput rečeno, Tolkien skupljao inspiraciju za Gospodara prstenova, spavati u klasičnim britanskim kamenim kućicama, okruženim zelenim pašnjacima, a navečer piti pivo u seoskom pubu, odmoriti od medija, napraviti izlet Gloucesterom, Stroudom ili Bristolom? I to sve gotovo potpuno besplatno – besplatan smještaj i hrana (stalno zdrava hrana) te pokriveno 80% vaših putnih troškova od maksimalnog budžeta 275 eura.

Jedini uvjet koji morate ispuniti da biste već za 10 dana bili u Engleskoj jest da postanete član Hrvatske udruge mladih. Kako se učlaniti doznajte ovdje.  

I postoji još jedina mala kvaka: do večeras se treba okupiti grupa od četvero sudionika. Eto Vam prilike da budete spontani. Nazovite prijatelja ili prijateljicu ili više njih i krenite u akciju! 

Projekt naziva GET INSPIRED! TRAINING ON YOUTH LIFE COACHING održava se od 10. do 18 prosinca 2015. godine u ASHA CENTRE u Engleskoj.

Revolucija u školama: novi sustav koji će pratiti fizičku spremnost učenika diljem Hrvatske

Kratki opis projekta prenosimo na engleskom jeziku.

On the one hand, many young people are struggling to get started in life, to find their place in our society, not because they are not good enough but often because they are not aware of their own full potential and do not know how to make the most of it. On the other hand, many people want to help but do not necessarily know how. How to listen properly to someone? How to guide someone? How to awaken someone to his or her own potential? How to even believe that one is able to help someone else to find his or her path in life? This course will hopefully look at both these dimensions of youth coaching. The aim of the course is two-fold. It is first for participants to understand themselves better and become aware of their own potential and goals in life. Then, it is for them to learn the tools and skills that will enable them to help others to become active and more self-aware. 

The course will be based on non-formal education methods, including experiential learning tools, practical exercises and creative workshops. It will contain, among others, sessions on non-violent communication and active listening, confidence building, self-awareness and relationships, as well as elements of artistic and physical expression as a tool for self-exploration. The course will also explore our relationship to the outdoors and nature as well as to a healthy life-style.


Građani odlučivali o projektima u svojim kvartovima: grade se nova igrališta, parkovi i niz drugih sadržaja