Važna informacija za studente: uskoro kreću radovi kod doma na Savi
Opis posla CHARTER KOMERCIJALIST: - Managing on-site operational issues that may arise concerning the yachts - Arrangement of replacement yachts if needed and overseeing any list minute yacht changes - Acting as the link between QuarterDeck and the Charter Company in relation to best practice, charter feedback, skipper damages and check-in/out processes - Management of inventory - Working closely with the Sales team to remove any commercial risk that may have been created by yacht cancellations and empty cabins - Working closely with Customer Service to obtain compensation when complaints are raised by guests - Oversee the Damage Waiver Cabin Booking Deposit Scheme by negotiating out of damages and keeping Customer Service looped in at all times - Discussing additional discounting - Analysing supplier fleets - Consistent bookings checks to minimise any complications come event weeks - Pre-season yacht checks - Checking of supplier invoices - Weekly payment run to suppliers as per contracted terms - Attend yacht charter shows to build positive relationships that will benefit both parties in the long term - On hand to approve sales upgrades and booking changes Izvor:← Povratak na poslove